2020 - 2022

Master thesis project - Python-based

This project was done for my Master's thesis to finish the MSc in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (UB, Barcelona). The project consists of implementing a Python code of a novel mathematical model in order to analyse the different outcomes of a Red Blood Cell in different flow conditions.

2022 - 2023

PhD project - Python/OpenFoam-based

This project was done during my PhD in Bioscience Engineering (KU Leuven, Belgium). It consists of implementing a coupling between Python-based code (cells) and OpenFoam code (flow) in order to analyse the behaviour of the Red Blood Cells when they pass through a constriction of a microchip to simulate the response of the cell inside blood vessel constriction.


Mixture analysis in microchips - OpenFoam-based

The goal of this project is to simulate with OpenFoam-based code a mixture of fluids inside a chip to explore at which velocity starts to behave as a turbulent flow.